EV-02. Great Invasion Of Planet Earth This is much more than a picture of the second coming of Christ. This DVD shows the results of today's amalgamation of nations and earth's final battle. EV-03. Signs of Our Times This Bible study uncovers the past, present, and future events of our world as previewed and prophesied by the Bible's great prophets. Many of the events studied in this lecture verify the fact that Christ's 2nd coming is very near! EV-04. Law, Grace or Disgrace This is an explanation of what God rightfully expects in the conduct of His people today, and what the Bible very explicitly says about how to express our love to Him. EV-05. Living In God's Image A study on biblical health principles for long, happy life. But more than that, the issues discussed here will help the viewer stay healthy through the coming financial crisis when doctor bills could otherwise be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel's back! EV-06. Daniel's Time Prophecies I and II While both Scripture and authoritative testimonies suggest these prophecies have an application in the future, you will find these two DVDs on Daniel's prophecies to be stimulating, exciting, and abundantly clear. This DVD traces these prophecies as they have been believed by thousands of Bible students over the past 100 years. EV-07. Daniel's Time Prophecies III This DVD gets into the study of the sanctuary in heaven. Beautiful pictures and exciting adventures are in store for those who view these great themes on DVD! EV-08. How To Know You Are On God's Side Are they relevant or relegated? Why did many of our famous Bible heroes stand by their every jot and tittle, and should we? If not, why not? If so, why so? Do those who believe they are correct protocol for the Christian yield any part of "salvation by grace?" What truly is their place in today's world? What does the New Testament really say about them? EV-09. The Sabbath - Day From Eden Why millions of Christians are taking a second look at the Sabbath. This first lecture is designed to be gentle, but very thorough. It is an action-packed adventure from Genesis to Revelation. EV-10. 4 Beasts and the Little Horn (Daniel 7) When was the 7th day changed to the 1st, & why? This DVD shows that God was not caught unaware of this change. This DVD is also an excellent initiation to understanding prophetic symbols used in apocalyptic prophecies. EV-11. Satan's Sunworship Who is really behind this change of Day? This DVD traces the origin of Sunday worship and shows its effect on ancient and present civilizations. It also ties Sunday worship in with last day events and shows that the Sabbath/Sunday issue could become a burning issue in the near future. EV-12. What Will We Be Like In Eternity? This DVD bears out the reality of the after-life. There are four DVDs in this study which go well together. This is the first one. The other thrilling adventures regarding the resurrection and the transporting of humans from this earth to heaven and back will be thoroughly examined and proven in the next three studies, Death & the Resurrection (Glorious Resurrection), Spiritism, & Satan's False Resurrection and The Millennium. EV-13. The Glorious Resurrection Death & the Resurrection EV-14. Satan's First Two Lies, and His False Resurrections Spiritism, & Satan's False Resurrection EV-15. Baptism: A Silent Doctrine of Old Sanctuaries What has made this subject so highly controversial? What are the many forms of baptism practiced today? There is no question in any good student's mind that it is one of the most important of Christ's commands. Why? What does it really mean? Who should be baptized? And what does it do for the candidate? This is a timely and important message. It is full of explanations for one of Christianity's most misunderstood doctrines. EV-16. The Woman, the Moon, and the Sun (Revelation 12) A study of the history of the church from Christ's day to ours with considerable relevance to the final events on planet earth. This study moves verse by verse through an entire chapter of the Apocalypse, and uses other important textual support as we go. EV-17a. The Sabbath and The Mark Of The Beast Part 1 This DVD is a study regarding the Sabbath of the Lord, and shows its role in this up-and-coming issue. After this study, anyone watching the play and counter-play between government and religion, and its resultant attacks on the separation of church and state, will see where all of this present-day hoopla will lead ultimately to the mark of the beast. EV-18. The Sabbath and The Coming Tribulation Will there be a tribulation for Christians? What will the issues be? Will we be raptured away first? What does the Bible say about it? This lecture inspires courage and faithfulness. It proves God's power will be with those who will stand with Him on every issue, and brings us near to the climax of the ages; the second coming of Christ. Will you be ready? EV-19. Final Rise Of Antichrist This DVD is regarding the Sabbath. This lecture shows its relevance even up to and including the time of the seven last plagues. Do not see this tape without having viewed the first five. It won't make a lot of sense otherwise. However, after viewing the first five tapes on the Sabbath, this one really comes alive. EV-20. The 1000 Year Millenial Reign Of Christ The Millennium EV-21. How To Enjoy Sabbath Have you ever wondered how to keep the Sabbath? Has it become a burden to you? This DVD is on the Seventh-Day Sabbath and provides useful insights into these questions and more. EV-22. Tithing and The Time Of Trouble Promises to the faithful, but much more than that! This lecture shares God's promises to care for and protect His faithful when money becomes worthless to believers. The time is coming when we will no longer have legal right to buy or sell. EV-23. Your Spiritual Security An explanation of four new testament ordinances and fellowship is explained. This lecture shares some of God's programs to prevent backsliding and apostasy. EV-24. The Truth About Satan Who, what, and also the issues between the Devil and Christ. This lecture includes some of Satan's present and ambitious strategies among the nations of our world which are prophesied in Scripture. EV-25. The New Heavens and the New Earth Tremendous excitement is in store for those who view this lecture. What will this earth be like when God rebuilds it? What will we be like when we receive it? And what are the vital principles that must be built into the Christian's character that will ready him to enjoy it? This lecture encourages faithfulness. We feel it is a must for any Christian to understand these issues. EV-26. Heart Preparation: Onesimus One of our audiences' most-loved adventures. It will strengthen your heart in loyalty.
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